Health and safety policy and plan
Safety first
How does Health and Safety relate to Property Management?
In April 2016 workplace health and safety laws came into effect under the Health and Safety at Work Act. This meant that all landlords and property managers are now classed as a ‘person conducting business or undertaking’ (PCBU) and are responsible for ensuring the health and safety of everybody involved with or affected by any work undertaken on an investment property they manage (or own). As PCBUs, landlords and property managers now have the primary responsibility for ensuring the health and safety of those using the property for any work purpose. This can relate to all manner of tasks including (but not limited to) property inspections, viewings, garden maintenance, general repairs or maintenance, and much more. The health and safety responsibilities lie with us both in respect of any and all situations we can influence and control.
What are our responsibilities as a property manager?
Given the nature of the work there can often be multiple PCBUs. For example, a landlord or property manager will both be classed as one and a contractor undertaking any work will be another. A landlord cannot rely on a contractor to manage health and safety risks, nor can a landlord request that a contractor take care of all health and safety matters. Contracting out of the duties in the Health and Safety at Work Act is prohibited. Landlords are required to do everything reasonably practicable to protect those engaged from the risks and hazards associated with their property. It is safe to say that every property has certain risks or hazards. In order to comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act, some landlord responsibilities include: identify and manage risks on the property in relation to the work that is to be undertaken to ensure contractors are sufficiently competent (i.e. registered and certified), To perform the work and that they have their own individual health and safety plan, To ensure contractors understand their health and safety requirements in relation to the risks identified, To check that contractors hold any required certifications and insurances before any work is undertaken.
What does Dunedin Property Management do to help?
Our property managers are provided with comprehensive health and safety policies as well as education and resources to ensure we honour all our obligations as PCBUs under the Health and Safety at Work Act. By using Dunedin Property Management you can help reduce the risks, fines, and possible legal action that can be associated with any lack or proper health and safety systems being in place. Staff are trained on and provided with all necessary templates to complete hazard identification and reporting, as well as requiring all our contractors to have a health and safety plan to prove their competency and ensure all relevant certifications and insurances are in place.
How can I get more information?
If you would like more information please contact us on Alternatively, you can contact Worksafe New Zealand on 0800 030040 or visit